Friday, April 14, 2006
Good Friday - Mum's pre - Birthday Day...
Lunch was very good, 'proper' soup followed by crisps, sandwiches and Salad Cream.... Yummy!
On with the boots (a new pair of Brashers for Tim, so some apprehension, 1st in size xx; so he had to go outside to turn round!) and off we set at a lively pace (keep up Catherine) for Blue Bell Wood .... (they aren't out yet! typically misleading!), so first photo is more NZ lamb in Garstang...
Next photo is the far side of Blue Bell wood, a bridge just short of Forton....
Then a swift stop at the Barn; sorry no photos - they wouldn't sit down when the sun was out....
So a few photos taken on the way back, at the bridge over the Wyre... (Mum is hiding behind an Orchid she bought for Hilda, its her birthday next Monday)
Ubberford Bridge (over the Wyre) sorry about this but by now Catherine was camera shy......
Back home now and Mum remarks 'that was as good as a day as it gets'! I agree! Fiona's supper was 1st class, and Tim makes a 'strong' G&T! The wine was good and the Irish Coffee was - well I soon snoozed off, so I'll say no more....
Good Friday - Mum's pre - pre - Birthday Day...
Ben and Kate are up in Whitley Bay for most of the Easter Weekend, so true to form, Barney was quite happy to take centre stage for a pre - pre Mum's Birthday 'pose'....

In this last photo, I had Barney's FULL Attention as I mentioned - Cheese!!!!........
Tuesday, April 11, 2006
Its time to 'Spring' back into action...
So 'spring' is on the way, as demonstrated by a few 'photos' from around the house.. enjoy -

Just taking this shot when you rang and I was 'summoned' back to eventually take the 'call'.....

Monday was a beautiful, but cold day with clear blue skies (PS. Today, it is cold, very wet and windy!)
However, it gives me time to compose a few 'posts'....
PS. Sorry, but it fined up and the sun came out, so off we went to play golf...
Just back so I'll publish and work some more the morrow...