Friday, March 31, 2006


GA GA - A Tribute To Queen Night....

Yup, you guessed, went and treated Mum to another night out at Lowther Pavilion...

Not the best of the three bands we see, but seemed to have improved on last year...

Just thought I'd show a couple of pics' to prove I'm still holding the fender, now and again...

Overall, though, we thought it was a good night, on our feet and clapping/swaying and all that good stuff; shame it was only a quarter full, but you never know, maybe better still next year....

Sunday, March 26, 2006


Mothers' Day and all it en'tails'....

So this is Mum on Mothers Day...

Did you spot the MD present, shiny and new, by the vase..... no its not the flowers...

So this Kt, is your present to your Mum... having 'cased' the joint, and not wanting to make a 'spectacle' of you, I chose this in your favourite colour...

Moving swiftly on to the MDs Sunday Lunch with Mothers in view with Barney dog...

Barney being very attentive to any sight or scent of roast beef....

No use near Gran, so I'll try looking good as gold next to Ben...

Now methinks we have come to 'tail end' of the Mothers Day... follows a 'paws' for thought...

PS. Mum & Ben liked their cards, and we all thought the 'Top Gun' DVD was ace.....

Tuesday, March 21, 2006


Winter is still with us....

Woke up last Sunday to an unusal 'white landscape', took a few photos on the way to the Newsagents.....

First off, your motor Kt! The wind was making interesting snowdrifts...

The Victoria pub' from an unusual angle...

I guess, no school today (but it was Sunday!)

St.Annes Parish Church (shame about the lampost...)

Sunday, March 19, 2006


A Lakes walk nearly 'mist'

Following much provocation, to add more posting, follows a few photos of a walk we nearly 'mist'!
We set off from Ambleside and walked over the tops to Troutbeck. Follows not a bad photo, but a good one of the MIST!

After warming ourselves by the fire in the pub (and drinking cold beer) we set off back, but of course we stopped for a picnic soon afterwards...

the picnic site...

We had intended to stop for an evening meal on the way back, but most of the girls fancied getting home to a hot bath instead....

Tuesday, March 14, 2006


Birthday walk over Nicky Nook...

The weather was reasonable so, after morning coffee with the folks, we set off with the intention of taking a hike over Nick Nook.
Travelled in the new 'Barney Transporter', a silver Vectra estate, and we parked by the river Wyre a mile or so outside Scorton.

Decided the picnic spot this time would be half way up the hill; so here you see Ben and Barney, who reached the seat first, of course!
Just over the top now, and on the way down Barney nearly collided with a pheasant, well camouflaged in the grass. Here you see him getting his 'wits' and his breath back.....

Now here is one with yours truly, you will note the new (birthday present) gaiters; a look of farmer giles maybe...

After this we dropped back into Scorton, for afternoon tea at the Barn and then followed the riverside walk back to the car. Back home, the day was made complete by downing a good Australian Shiraz and devouring enormous fillet 'steaks'...


February 2006 cont... End of an Era

Just one image of the 'Fort' in the process of being dismantled.

Had to come down; the posts were rotten at soil level and there was considerable woodworm in some parts of the structure.

Ideas on what should take its place...

Monday, March 13, 2006


January 2006

The girls (at Manchester Airport) are ready for the adventure to begin.....

And time for their mothers to start 'worrying' their nails...

Wayout.... don't u think?


February 2006

Here it is Kt, as requested. Let me go easy for the first few days, so tolerance please, as new usually means change and all that it implies...

My first task is to try and add some pictures, hopefully easier than my faltering prose...

Thought I would start to update you from February, so that made me think of the walk we had with Andrea and David, post Andrea's birthday, pre mine. I remember the day as bright and sunny, but cold, yet we still had a picnic (of course)! We stopped after 10 mins hard walking, and sat by the bridleway (actually the old 'coffin' route) just above Rydal Water. If all is successful you will see: the picnic, the view over Rydal, a cheeky (but tame or defending its territory) little robin, and finally a swan (whose neck seemed to reflect) the shape of the pass above Grasmere, in the background.

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