Monday, March 13, 2006
February 2006

Here it is Kt, as requested. Let me go easy for the first few days, so tolerance please, as new usually means change and all that it implies...
My first task is to try and add some pictures, hopefully easier than my faltering prose...
Thought I would start to update you from February, so that made me think of the walk we had with Andrea and David, post Andrea's birthday, pre mine. I remember the day as bright and sunny, but cold, yet we still had a picnic (of course)! We stopped after 10 mins hard walking, and sat by the bridleway (actually the old 'coffin' route) just above Rydal Water. If all is successful you will see: the picnic, the view over Rydal, a cheeky (but tame or defending its territory) little robin, and finally a swan (whose neck seemed to reflect) the shape of the pass above Grasmere, in the background.